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Oil is NOT a Health Food!!!

Updated: Dec 9, 2024

Oil bottles on a table
Oil is oil is oil...

"The fat you eat is the fat you wear.”

― John A. McDougall, MD

Why is Oil NOT a Health Food?

Let's look at the facts:

  • Oil is empty calories

  • Oil is highly processed 100% liquid fat.

  • Oil has the highest calorie density of all foods!

  • 1 tablespoon of any oil has 120 calories and 14 g of fat!

  • Oil is easy to overconsume!

Man schocked about the calorie density of oil
Shocking, huh?

Is coconut oil healthy?

  • 82% of the total fat content in coconut oil is saturated fat as opposed to “only” 40% in lard or 54% in butter!

  • Coconut oil consumption significantly increases LDL-cholesterol!

Composition of coconut oil
Oil is empty calories that might end up on your butt!

But surely olive oil is healthy because it contains anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, right?

  • Olive oil does contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids but not a lot, plus...

  • Olive oil also contains pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids and...

  • Olive oil also contains a significant amount of saturated fat!

Ideal ratio of ω-6 to ω-3 fatty acids:

1:1 or up to 4:1

  • In olive oil, the ω−6 fatty acid to ω−3 fatty acid ratio is 10:1!

Fatty acid composition of fats and oil
Degirolamo C, Rudel LL. Dietary monounsaturated fatty acids appear not to provide cardioprotection. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2010;12(6):391-396. doi:10.1007/s11883-010-0133-4

So, do we need fish oil for ω-3 fatty acids to lower our risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke? No.

  • Fish do not make omega-3 fatty acids! Sea vegetables do!

  • Fish oil is not protective against CVD or stroke, healthy diet is.

  • Fish/fish oil supplements may contain high levels of heavy metals and other toxins, saturated fat, omega-6 fatty acids and cholesterol.

Get your omega-3 fatty acids from ground flaxseed or chia seed

beans soy products sea vegetables

green leafy vegetables

Omega-3 rich plant sources
Omega-3 rich plant sources

Let's recap: There is no such thing as healthy oils!

Oil is devoid of all fiber and contains almost no nutrients.

  • Oil does contain some vitamin E and K, but those are only traces and can be readily obtained from whole plants.

ALL oils promote heart disease.

  • Saturated, monounsaturated (olive oil) and polyunsaturated (flax oil) – were associated with an increase in the plaque buildup that clogs our arteries and leads to heart attacks.

  • Oil injures arteries and contributes to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

  • Oil makes our blood more viscous, slows blood flow, stacks up inside arteries, significantly damages blood vessels and hinders the ability of arteries to dilate and the ability of red blood cells to absorb and deliver oxygen to our cells.

Oils contribute to obesity and obesity can trigger long-term, low-grade inflammation.

Oils contribute to insulin resistance.

Oils suppress our immune system, which makes us vulnerable to infections.

Oils increase the risk of some cancers.

  • Oil impairs our bodies’ ability to stop the growth of cancer cells.

Don't despair! The good news is...

  • It’s easy to live, cook or bake without oil!

  • Your dishes will not be greasy anymore and neither will your arteries!!!



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